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Five Super Deals In Ramadan

August 20, 2011


Muslim around the world are fasting, praying, reading Qur’an, paying charity …etc but some of them will ask, “What’s in it for us? What’s the deal here?” Well, to answer this question and many like it, read these five super deals below.

You walk to the masjid and every step you take earns you a hasanah and gets rid of a sin and elevates your position in Jannah. Step by step until you reach the masjid. That’s one deal.

Praying in masjid is 27 (other narration say 25 times) times better than praying alone in ordinary days but in Ramadan every good deed is awarded minimum 70 times over. So you pray the Fard Prayer and in congregation which is 70 prayers by 27 prayers. So that’s 70 by 27 for each obligatory prayer which equals 1890 prayers! At the end of the day, if you pray all 5 prayers in such a fashion, you will earn the rewards of 9450 prayers!! If we multiply this number by 30 days, we get 283 500 prayers! which is more than 150 years of prayer! Subhan’Allah. This is just from praying the obligatory prayers in congregation. That’s deal two.

You also choose to pray your sunnah which equals a fard in Ramadan. You pray all the sunnah of the prayers during the day and you get a palace in Jannah every single day. We look forward so much to buying a house in America, Canada, London, Paris or wherever in pursuit of the Duniya Dream, what about the Islamic Dream of having a House in Jannah? Have we really thought about that? When we pray all our Sunnah and earn 30 Palaces in Jannah, how do you acquire these Palaces and get access to them? You enter Jannah through the door of Rayaan, which is exclusive to the ones who fast. After they enter, it will be shut behind them. That’s deal three.

Day after day, you clock your foot steps, you pray your obligatory prayers and your sunnah prayers and those rewards are increasing until you reach the Night of Qadr. You stay up that night in sincere worship to Allah for the last 10 odd nights of Ramadan. At the break of dawn, you walk the earth without a sin on your back. No more sins but those 3 points of reward mentioned above are still accumulating. That’s deal four, forgiveness of your sins, all of them!

Four points are just mentioned very briefly. Allah, in His mercy adds more rewards as He wishes. Add to the four points the reward of fasting that only Allah knows, the rewards for a charity, for reading Qur’an, for praying the Taraweeh, for inviting people to break their fast at your place, smiling and giving good words,  and… at the end of Ramadan you would have ONE HEAVY ACCOUNT Insha’Allah and none of it will be wasted. This is an important deal five.

Now get this, all these rewards are earned in one single Ramadan. Imagine all these rewards in the one Ramadan being repeated for a second, and a third and a fourth, etc for as long as you are alive, every year when Ramadan comes round, this is the outcome?! How much rewards would you have earned?

So now answer this question: Is Allah merciful to His slaves or isn’t He? And: Is Jannah reachable or isn’t it? YES YES YES!

But what’s the catch? WE HAVE TO WANT IT AND SO WE WORK FOR IT!

To answer the question we asked in the beginning “What’s in it for us?” Need we ask now?

May we all earn these super rewards …

Quoted from Ibn ‘Abbas (raa): The Prophet (saas) was asked,“Which of the days is the best?” He replied, “The day of congregation (Jumu’ah).” He was again asked, “Which of the months is the best?” He replied, “The month of Ramadan.” He was again asked, “Which of the deeds is the best?” He replied, “To punctually establish the five daily prayers.”


One Comment leave one →
  1. mohamed permalink
    July 20, 2012 3:02 am

    Thank you for all the imformation… inshallah i will see you in heaven brother.

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